And So It Begins...

This is my forum for all the nouns that life has to offer!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Anxieties and Tranquilities of the Weekend

I always have such mixed feelings on Sundays. There are the joyous feelings that I can easily recall with regards to the last 48 hours:

i) After his attempts to embarrass me the previous day, the "Mafia Midget With A Napoleon Complex" known as the managing partner at my firm left the office early. My immediate thought was: When in Rome.... HAHAHAHAHA!! Revenge is a dish best served cold!
ii) I had an awesome driving lesson (Yes folks, after years of getting around via public transportation -- cabs (Yellow Cabbie Assassins), trains (Iron Horse Wranglers) and buses (Public Relations Dropouts!), I've decided to conquer my fear, get my ass behind the wheel and get on the road. Wish me luck!)
iii) and finally I met up with some friends with whom I was able to relay my day over drinks ("I'll have another Ketel One and Cranberry please!")

i)I spent the afternoon lazily walking along Astor Place, drinking iced coffee (I find that not only does Dunkin' Donuts iced coffee taste better than Starbuck's, it's cheaper and easier to order. Case in point:
Dunkin' Donuts Conversation:
Coffee Guy: "Hi, welcome to Dunkin' Donuts. Whada'll it be?"
Me: "Hiya, Lemme get a medium iced coffee. French Vanilla, milk one sugar."
Starbucks Conversation:
Barista: Good Afternoon, how are you today? What will you have?
Me: *clearing my throat preparing for my coffee composition* I'll have a double tall non-fat, no foam Caramel Espresso Latte Macchiato with room...did you get all that?" I mean really folks, do you have to be a rocket scientist or poet laureate to order a cup of coffee? C'mon now!)
ii)And I set out to hone my vocabulary skills by playing intense games of Scrabble with a friend. One guess on who won....I'M QUEEN OF THE WORLD!!! LOL (Can you spell A-N-T-E-N-N-A? Neither could he!! Forfeited the last round of the game...Yay!!!)

And right now, I'm on my way to get my hair done. Thankfully it should only take a couple of hours, which is a far cry from the torturous day long wait that most sisters have to endure on a weekend. (It's good to have friends in high places. All I have to do usually is let her know that I'm coming through and voila! my hair is quickly transformed!!) After getting my coif coiffed, I've been invited to hang out with some friends...The Met...The Park...anything goes.

But that's not to say that I'm not a bit anxious as well. Then of course, there are the dreadful feelings that consume me. The idea that I'll be going home in a few hours and preparing myself for another week. Another week at the firm. I sit at my desk and contemplate the idea of walking into that corner office and telling the head honcho (also known as The Mafia Midget With a Napoleon Complex) to kiss my...

But I know I could never do in the meanwhile, I take my place amongst the worker bees and buzz along quietly; hoping that a flower of a more suitable, more agreeable scent will come along for me to inhale.


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