And So It Begins...

This is my forum for all the nouns that life has to offer!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

See A Penny...

“See a penny, pick it up; all day long you'll have good luck.” I actually found a dollar on my way home tonight and that thought immediately came into my head. But what does that little rhyme really mean?

This year, 2007, is one that I hear will bring me great luck. And why is that, I wonder. Is it only because it ends in a numerical connotation that has traditionally, the world over, symbolized great and purposeful things, such as luck? Or is it because the stars of my zodiac sign are aligned in just such a way that only good will follow me this year? People read their horoscopes with the belief that the stars and planets are the dictators of their fortune, be it good or bad. But the real question is, are we really the proprietors of our own destiny or is it something we should leave up to chance...or planets and stars...or even someone else?

And then there's the question of karma. The most basic definition of the term states that it is good or bad emanations felt to be generated by someone or something. Does that mean that if someone speaks of karma in ill terms, that negativity is something that will truly follow us? In that regard it does in fact seem like one is leaving their destiny in the hands of another. But in my journey, I have discovered that love, especially self love, conquers everything even karma.


Blogger VerseOne said...

thanks for checkin' my flickr joint. appreciate the comments. i too blog on the place. check me whenever. Peace. i'll be checkin back.


January 17, 2007 8:02 PM  
Blogger Leepak Hope-ra said...

@VerseOne: I appreciate your stopping by. Your photos are amazing and I look forward to seeing more from your photos and your blog! :o)

January 17, 2007 11:30 PM  
Blogger Organized Noise said...

I think we control our destiny because we control our actions. I hope you're right though. I hope that you do have a good year.

January 20, 2007 7:58 PM  
Blogger deo said...

I agree with Organized - we are in control of our own actions

January 23, 2007 10:16 AM  
Blogger deo said...

I hope you're right too - ... later!

January 23, 2007 10:17 AM  
Blogger Liz Dwyer said...

I think if you believe it'll bring you great luck, it will. Your beliefs shape your actions and draw certain kinds of energies to you. But, there are still bad things that happen to good people and I think that's just because those bad things have to happen to someone, so why not you or me?

January 26, 2007 8:55 PM  

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