And So It Begins...

This is my forum for all the nouns that life has to offer!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Me -- The Visionary

I don't fashion myself as the next Ansel Adams, Garry Winogrand or Amy Arbus, but I do feel a kinship with this fabulous contraption. I find that there is always something wonderful that people look for within themselves: beauty, fearlessness, intellect...the list could go on forever. But, I have to say, those are a few things that I never really saw in myself despite the praise and accolades of the world around me.

My photographs may not be accurate depictions of how I really am: shy (yet ballsy at times) and somewhat awkward (the story of my life revolves around that word! Haha), but with my camera I see all the cool and wonderful things about myself that I never really took notice of before:

I see beauty
I see confidence
I see fearlessness

My camera has become my voice and with it, I feel like I can say (almost) anything! :o)

Saturday, November 10, 2007


The frenzy of life was fast approaching howling its demands
I found myself running breathlessly...
From one room of the universe to the other
Not knowing where I stand.

I got to the door of the room called happiness and felt the pulsating beat of my heart...
It was then that I realized I had nowhere to run and that at some point -- all things fall apart

I found myself -- cornered

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