And So It Begins...

This is my forum for all the nouns that life has to offer!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Smiling On The Inside (No...Really...I Am!!)

After the fiasco that was the past week, I found joy, solace and comfort in my friends (Deo, Jamie and Christina! We can laugh with the best of them you guys!) and in yet another pair of shoes. A impulsive and frivolous purchase really, but what can I say -- for some people it's the drink...for me, its a strappy sandal or a chunky wedge (and besides, I still have the receipt. I can always take it back!)

And my supervisor must have received my telepathic S.O.S., because late yesterday afternoon, she finally tells me that they've decide to hire someone to ease the work load for me. This could be a blessing or a curse. This person could either rescue me from the trauma of being chained to my desk or they could be the presence that determines my unceremonious exit from the firm. I feel my paranoia setting in. This could be a blessing on many levels -- and I have to stay present in order to think of it that way.

My best friend just called and said that she's in town! What a cool surprise! I'm sure she must have thought I put her out to pasture, considering I haven't spoken to her in about two weeks. But I've been so busy here at work and honestly, once I get home dinner and Tivo are the only things that are immediately on my mind! (I highly recommend that those of you who do not have Tivo, go out and get it! Watching television will never be the same again!) But now there will be time to catch up and reach out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

After how many years of watching tivo at my house...

August 25, 2006 2:16 PM  

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