And So It Begins...

This is my forum for all the nouns that life has to offer!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

My Very First Meme

Taken from Caterpillar's blog. I thank you. And so, here goes:

1. How old do you wish you were?
I was recently telling a friend that I am more willing to embrace the age that I am today than I've been willing to embrace any age I've been.

2. Where were you when 9/11 happened?
I was walking out of my doctor's office when I saw the towers being talked about on the news: "It has been reported that what is believed to be a small Cessna plane has hit one of the World Trade Center towers.” I honestly didn’t think much of it other than; it’s an issue that should be resolved soon and quickly. No problem! I then remember walking down the avenue, looking up and seeing smoke…even from such a distance the magnitude of what was going on didn’t hit me until I got home. I turned on the TV and it was on every channel. And as it turns out, it wasn’t a Cessna plane. It was a simultaneous attack on the nation: New York City, The Pentagon and the third plane’s target: The White House. I remember watching the towers as they fell and in that moment knowing that somehow neither life in “the land of the free” or I would be the same.

3. What do you do when vending machines steal your money?
I would probably resort to the actions of a 5 year-old. I would get upset – maybe even shake or kick the machine – and subsequently warn everyone to stay away from the Thieving Vending Machine.

4. Do you consider yourself kind?
I do consider myself kind, although there are times when I feel I should express that side of myself a bit more.

5. If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be?
My parents are from Central America and I’ve always felt a bit saddened by the fact that although I do speak some Spanish, it doesn’t come as naturally to me as I wish it did. I love listening to people of color speak the language of their homeland. Our color is NOT all that we are. We are Spanish, we are French, and we are Patwa. But for me, Spanish is a language that although not breathed from my lips too often, is in my heart all the time! Viva! Panama!

6. Do you know your neighbors?
Yes. I’ve lived in my apartment since I’m four years old and I believe that everyone in my building is familiar with me. I was just talking to a neighbor (Mrs. K, a genteel Guyanese woman of 83) who says that she remembers the day that my younger brother was born. My brother is just shy of 25 years old. I’ve seen the neighborhood change, but there are still some of the same good people around.

7. Would you move for the person you loved?
Moving to another city or state for someone I love would take a whole lot of consideration, but if there is love that is worth having, you will be willing to go anywhere for it.

8. Favorite place to go on a weekend?
I love to walk. So in the summertime on an ordinary Saturday, one can find me walking through Prospect or Central Park, or with my face in the latest novel in the bookstore or lounging with friends. I missed most of First Saturdays at the Brooklyn Museum of Art this year (for those of you who don’t know, click here and learn more but that’s also some thing that I like to experience. During the colder months, I’m usually indoors. Movies, dinners with friends or even curled up at home – as long as it’s warm!

9. Showers or bath?
I generally like taking nice hot showers, but there’s nothing more calming than stepping into a warm bath. The bonus: Bubbles!

10. Do you trust people easily?
I’ve never been one to trust the world very easily, but there are a small circle of people that have my love and my trust, which is hard to come by, I’ve been told.

11. Do you keep a handwritten journal?
It’s so funny that this is question 11, because I’ve actually been journaling since that age. I’ve always liked to keep a piece of paper and a pencil handy for any random thoughts and/or experiences that I may come across. Going back in time, so to speak, is always interesting. I enjoy reading about the girl who worried about a particular boy not liking her or how nervous she felt right before taking that critical exam in school. Journals have always been the literal record of my life, although I haven’t journaled for at least two years. And so much has happened. But my latest journal just sits there, in my nightstand, collecting dust. So I am thankful that I have discovered a place to write. Another blog may come along (one where I can express things that may not be suitable for this particular blog) and I’ll be thankful for that as well. My writing may not be perfect, but its mine and I love that.

12. Where would you rather be right now?
In a hammock on a beach with a margarita and some good company!

13. What were you doing at midnight last night?
I was multi-tasking. I was catching up on some of the musings of my fellow bloggers and Tivo’ing.

14. What color shirt are you wearing?
Army green.

15. Most recent movie you watched?
“Something’s Gotta Give” with Diane Keaton and Jaaaaaaaaccckk Nicholson. It just goes to show you, love is possible at any age.

16. Name five things you have on you at all times?
Caterpillar’s answer reflects mine exactly: Cell phone, chapstick, debit card, bus/train card, camera, and keys (yes, it's six, I know).

17. What color are your bed sheets?
Sea foam green/navy blue

18. How much cash do you have on you right now?
$63 plus change.

19. What did you have for dinner last night?
Grilled chicken sandwich and orange juice.

20. How tall are you barefoot?
5'6.5". Even though there was always the wish to be a bit taller ("dream height" 5'8")

21. What time did you wake up today?
8:02a.m. = Late for work! :-o


Blogger deo said...

I second #10
Trust is hard to come by.. Well earned and time nurtured!

Where does one FIND these questions?

I gave up and just have a ask Deo page I found on the web somewhere!

bravo on this blog - takes guts
(Do I smell the slay of another fear??? - Opening up to others...)
ahh - not on the list of fears :)

bravo again!

September 08, 2006 9:14 AM  
Blogger Leepak Hope-ra said...

@ GC: Thanks for the shout! Its true, it may not be on the list of fears, but its something thats worth delving into. And to answer your question. The questions generally known around Bloggerville are called memes. The Webster's Dictionary definition of meme  /mim/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[meem]
–noun a cultural item that is transmitted by repetition in a manner analogous to the biological transmission of genes.

But memes here in Bloggersville refer to questions - some in repetition as you may see these same questions on someone else's blog - that are genarally all over the site. They can be biographical (Whats your family heritage?) or just plain silly (Do you eat saltine crackers with jelly or cheese while laying in bed?) in nature. But they're out there! I should expect to see one at your spot fairly soon! Toodles!

September 08, 2006 1:40 PM  
Blogger deo said...

thank u dr.Leepak

September 08, 2006 5:10 PM  
Blogger Organized Noise said...

You like parks too. We've gotta hook up before it gets too cold. I want to show you the best kept secret in New York.

September 08, 2006 9:24 PM  
Blogger deo said...


September 09, 2006 4:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL Thanks for opening up.I think my sistah has a blogger admirer. i won't spell out any names but Ray Charles was blind and dead but he can surely see!!!!!!!!! It's all good.But as you open up to others who's opening up to you????????????????????????????

September 18, 2006 3:03 AM  

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