And So It Begins...

This is my forum for all the nouns that life has to offer!

Monday, September 11, 2006

A Day Of Remembrance

There were so many things I initially wanted to say about today. Five years ago was a day that the world that you and I know changed forever. I was going to get on my soap box and talk about the lack of concern that the Powers That Be have for the average American. I would wonder who would answer my question about the Government's lack of concern for its people. Why is it that FEMA trailers sat idle while so many of our neighbors sat in and around the Superdome with their dead and dying brethren around them, with no food or water for days while the pleas for federal assistance went unanswered? Why is it that even today in the wake of September 11th, the first responders who on that day, went into the rubble and put their lives at risk, are now fighting for their health and having the ones who praised them on that day, vilify them now for expecting more? I would ponder the question: Is the war that we vowed to fight five years ago the same war that we fight today?

These are the questions that I would have wondered about and begged an answer to today. I'm sure there are enough questions on the minds of every little boy who lost a father, a little girl who lost a mother, every husband who lost a wife, every wife who lost a husband or even one who lost a friend. There are enough questions. But today we know it will not be quick and it will not be easy, to put the questions aside and remember. Be still and remember.

Today is also a day of remembrance in joy. My tia Teresa was born 68 years ago today. I spent some time with her today -- talking, laughing and taking pictures. I asked her how she felt about having this day in history marked as the day of her birth and she said: "I was here before those men thought of the evil that is "September 11th". Today is my birthday. I rejoice in being given another year to see my family grow and my friends laugh." Well said. So I just want to wish my aunt a Happy Birthday and to let her know that I love her so much and that she is being remembered today!
(I look forward to coming over for Sunday dinner!)

Usted siempre me dice que hasta cómo es hermoso crecí sea, pero usted era siempre hermoso. Feliz Cumpleaños. Te quiero.


Blogger deo said...

what a firecracker!!

September 13, 2006 8:48 AM  
Blogger Brotha Buck said...

I watched some of the coverage. It brought back so many memories, sad. My son was born a week following the attacks.

September 15, 2006 11:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Through tragedies come STRENGTH and we as a people,as a nation must unite together and show them that WE are stronger than this.It takes one to be a soldier but it takes many to be an ARMY!!!

September 18, 2006 2:07 AM  
Blogger Leepak Hope-ra said...

@BrooklynTy: Girl, I couldn't have said it better myself! Bravo!

September 18, 2006 11:34 AM  

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